A is the brother of B.
B is the brother of C.
C is the father of D.
So how is D related to A?

And while you’re here, check out these 10 facts about Uncles…
Definition: An uncle is the brother of one’s parent or the husband of one’s aunt.
Cultural Variations: In many cultures, an uncle holds a special familial role, and relationships with uncles can be close and significant, often second only to parents in terms of guidance and support.
Nibling: The gender-neutral term for the child of one’s sibling (i.e., niece or nephew) is “nibling.” Therefore, an uncle’s sibling’s child is his nibling.
Great-Uncles: The brothers of one’s grandparents are called great-uncles, and an uncle’s uncle is a great-uncle.
Familial Terms: Different languages have specific terms for maternal and paternal uncles. For example, in Hindi, “Chacha” is the term for father’s brother, while “Mama” is used for mother’s brother.
Fairy Tales and Folklore: Uncles often appear in fairy tales and folklore, sometimes as protectors and sometimes as antagonists, such as the evil uncle trope.
Uncle Sam: The term “Uncle Sam” is a common national personification of the U.S. federal government, originating during the War of 1812.
Kinship: In some cultures and anthropological studies, uncles are categorized under “avunculate” relationships, which often carry specific roles and responsibilities within the family structure.
Legal Relationships: In many legal systems, uncles are considered immediate family members, which can have implications for inheritance, immigration sponsorship, and other legal matters.
Fictional Uncles: Many works of fiction feature memorable uncles, like Uncle Ben in “Spider-Man,” whose advice, “With great power comes great responsibility,” is central to the superhero’s ethos.
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