I speak without a mouth
and hear without ears.
I have no body,
but I come alive with the wind.
What am I?

And while you’re here, check out these 10 facts about Echoes…
Acoustic Phenomenon: At its core, an echo is a sound that reflects off a surface (like a wall or a building) and returns to its source. This is a result of the reflection of sound waves.
Delay Matters: For humans to perceive an echo, there typically needs to be a delay of about 100 milliseconds from when the original sound is heard to when the reflected sound (echo) is heard.
Greek Mythology: In ancient Greek mythology, Echo was a beautiful nymph known for her lovely voice. She was punished by Hera, making her only able to repeat the last words spoken to her. This myth provides the etymological root for the acoustic term.
Sonar: The principle of echoes is used in sonar (SOund NAvigation and Ranging) systems. Marine vessels and submarines send out sound waves, which bounce back upon hitting an object. The time it takes for the echo to return helps in determining the object’s distance.
Echocardiography: In medicine, echocardiography uses ultrasound waves to create images of the heart. The device measures the echo of the sound waves as they bounce off different parts of the heart.
Echoes in Nature: Animals, particularly bats and certain species of dolphins, use echolocation to navigate and hunt. They emit calls out to the environment and listen to the echoes of those calls to locate objects.
Echo in Music: In the realm of music and audio production, an “echo” is often used as an effect where a sound is repeated, typically with a decay in volume, creating a sense of space.
Amazon Echo: The Amazon Echo is a smart speaker developed by Amazon. It connects to a voice-controlled intelligent personal assistant service named Alexa. Users can play music, set alarms, ask questions, and control smart home devices using voice commands.
Echo in Communication: In telecommunication, an echo can be an unwanted reflection of a signal. In voice communications, especially older telephony, an echo could be heard as a repeated copy of the spoken words, which could be frustrating for callers.
Mount Everest Echo Mystery: There’s an interesting fact about Mount Everest: climbers often report not experiencing echoes at the mountain’s higher altitudes. This could be due to the thin air not reflecting sound as efficiently, or it could be the snow absorbing the sound.
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