‘Ritual Mass Murder’ Reported to Police, Turns Out To Be A Yoga Class

A yoga class at the North Sea Observatory in Chapel St Leonards, Lincolnshire, was mistaken for a scene of “ritual mass murder,” prompting an emergency response from local police on a Wednesday night.

Millie Laws, the 22-year-old yoga instructor leading the class at the Seascape Cafe inside the observatory, described her disbelief at the reports of her being labeled a “mass murderer.” Initially, she brushed it off as a “joke.”

The unsettling scene that caught the attention of the passersby occurred during the Shavasana or relaxation phase of the yoga class.

The students were lying still on the floor, covered with blankets, in a room faintly illuminated by candles and tea lights. Laws, adorned in a floaty top with large bell sleeves, was moving among them playing a drum.

“They’re laying down with blankets over them, their eyes are closed. It’s very dark in there… I guess from the outside view it could look like that, because they’re all really still, very nice and relaxed,” Laws reflected, adding that she empathized with the concerned individuals even while finding the lighter side of the incident.

The report to the police had exaggerated details, with claims that Laws was “wearing a robe” and overseeing “some kind of ritual” involving what appeared to be lifeless bodies.

Despite the initial shock, the event took a humorous turn, with Laws acknowledging the surreal nature of the police descending on a “small little village in the middle of Lincolnshire.” She expressed sympathy for the alarmed individuals who reported the incident, while appreciating the lighter aspect of the situation.

Seascape Cafe management took to Facebook to clarify the incident and extend their thanks to the Lincolnshire Police for their swift response. They humorously noted that they were “not part of any mad cult or crazy clubs,” while expressing relief that the situation “turned out positive.”

Lincolnshire Police, responding to the call logged at 20:56 BST, verified that it was made “with good intentions” and were pleased to find everyone “safe and well.”

As the community absorbed the details of the misinterpreted scene, the blend of concern and humor surrounding the yoga class turned “mass murder” scenario seemingly left everyone with a tale to recount, reassuring the public that all was indeed well.

The Seascape Cafe, known to host yoga classes, echoed a sense of gratitude, highlighting the positive ending to an incident triggered by good intentions coupled with a vivid imagination.

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